
Welcome to
Sensory Stars!

Sensory Stars is a private Children’s therapy practice based in Craighall, Johannesburg. Sensory Stars has a Premier treatment clinic designed specifically for children with sensory and motor difficulties and provides holistic, child centered therapy.
Here at Sensory stars we aim to provide a comprehensive service to children and their families living with:

• Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) (previously known as “Sensory integration dysfunction)
• Attention Deficit (ADD / ADHD)
• Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD)
• Dyspraxia
• Autistic Spectrum Disorder
• Developmental Delay
• Learning difficulties
• Dyslexia
• Visual Perceptual Deficit
• Physical Impairment
• Other developmental and behavioural difficulties.

The aim of intervention is to help clients and their family find the hope and help which they seek so as to improve function, reduce stress and assist in achieving maximum potential in all areas.